Creating content

what to do with 

this amount of excess
backs can no longer hold
folded notes & printed
screen names in smeared
multicolored fonts

slippery as yellow l.a.
looks hair gel applied
generously in the morning
with an old toothbrush
before the aqua net

attempt to let the thoughts
gloss over like the shiny
clear top coat express
shipped only to not let it
completely dry chips crack

throbbing with visions of
unrecited poems that never
reached the light of day for
fear that someone would look
at the extended bio see the name

& wonder why

If you find yourself in a creative position, or really any position, there’s an emphasis on generating content. There are content creators which primarily fall under YouTube or TikTok personalities. Then there are podcasters, fitness influencers, and remnants of the beauty community still going strong. Whether it’s Instagram or mastering the art of livestreaming, there are so many “tips” out there for making content.

There is this mantra of remaining consistent and building an audience. Something you are perpetually building as you adapt to different platforms or shift to the newest apps. As someone who started off on the early days of the internet with my first official social media profile being created when I was in 7th grade, I’ve struggled with this concept.

It made me think about the seemingly unconnected memories we hold on to. An internal building of content if you will which inspired the above poem.


Wrapping up


A writer’s notebook